Eye - one display 2
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i1Display 2
The award-winning i1Display 2 delivers unrivaled color controls including Workgroup Match, Ambient Check and Match, Push Button Calibration and Validation—all essential tools for professional photographers and designers to attain accurate color throughout the digital workflow, whether in their own studio or in a collaborative production environment.
Product Features:
- Compact colorimeter for emissive color measurements of LCD, CRT and laptop displays
- Highest sensitivity in dark areas for better control in shadow detail and more neutral gray scale
- Detachable ambient light head to capture ambient light measurements—also serves as a dust protector for your device!
- Easily attaches to both LCD and CRT monitors with built-in counterweight and suction cups
- Use at multiple workstations—no additional licensing fee
- USB powered
X-Rite är världsledande i färgvetenskap och teknik. Bolaget, som nu även omfattar de inom färg branschledande Pantone, Inc., utvecklar, tillverkar, marknadsför och stödjer innovativa färglösningar genom mätningutrustning med tillhörande mjukvara.